SBU tisdagslunch 6 februari: Beyond Zero – Construction for a Regenerative Future

Välkommen att delta i SBU:s kommande lunchseminarium som äger rum på tisdag den 6e februari kl. 12:00-13:00. Under seminariet kommer professor Urban Persson, LTH, att diskutera delar av sin aktuella bok Construction for a Regenerative Future. Föreläsningen kommer ges på svenska med engelsk text.

The construction sector is a main contributor to carbon emissions and rising climate change, but is also largely dependent on product design, the outcome of environmental impacts caused by climate change, and societal development due to this change. However, when turning negative environmental impacts into positive restoration or regeneration through the construction sector, what to do beyond the point of zero impacts is a new approach. The lecture suggests a condensed roadmap on how to develop a construction project´s development toward an environmentally positive restorative or regenerative outcome of a circular construction process. The construction process is divided into site-specific “the story of the place”, client commitment, approaches of regenerative circular design, procurement, construction, operation, and maintenance. It also takes into account how to verify such a construction project´s outcome on the scale of regenerative development.

Seminariet äger rum på Zoom. För att delta, fyll i din e-postadress på länken här.


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