Within the theme of Water and Environment Technology, between the four universities participating in SBU, we cover a wide range of engineering aspects on water quantity and quality in natural and anthropogenic water cycles. This covers the role of water in many contexts, e.g. stormwater and wastewater management, drinking water supply, recreation, agriculture, coastal processes, hydropower, processes in soil and sediments,
functioning of ecosystems. The major challenges affecting natural and anthropogenic water cycles are urbanisation and climate change.
The vision for the theme of Water and Environment is joint action for sustainable use of water in urban areas and built infrastructure, as well as promoting resilience of the ecosystems that support our water systems. The technical systems and the integrated
infrastructure must be climate-adapted to prevent serious consequences resulting from extreme events.
To work towards this vision, research and education are performed within and on the intersection of multiple disciplines, e.g. hydraulics, hydrology, hydrometeorology, hydrogeology, water resources, water quality, water and soil chemistry, water/wastewater technology and process engineering, environmental technology, environmental and ecological economics, industrial ecology.
Collaborating department/units
Chalmers University of Technology, Dep.
Architecture and Civil Engineering, Water Environment Technology: https://www.chalmers.se/en/departments/ace/research/waterenvironmenttechnology
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Dep.
Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering, Water and
Environmental Engineering: https://www.kth.se/en/seed/om/avdelningar/vatten-och-miljoteknik-1.801175
Luleå University of Technology (LTU), Dep.
Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Urban Water
Engineering: https://www.ltu.se/research/subjects/VA-teknik?l=en
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering
(LTH), Dep. Building and Environmental Technology, Water Resources Engineering: