Traffic and Transportation Infrastructure

The area of Traffic and Transportation Infrastructure deals with the need to establish effective, safe and sustainable ways of moving people and goods. The area also includes the design and maintenance of the infrastructure which accomplishes this. Geometric design of roads, streets and tracks is included. The structural design of foundations, embankments, bridges and tracks based on traffic loads are covered in other areas.

Traffic and transportation is central for urban planning because of the mutual relationship between the spatial distribution of buildings and the traffic system networks. A well planned infrastructure including all transportation modes are important prerequisites for a well built environment and a functional master plan and avoids costly infrastructure investments.

Planning of roads and tracks is characterized by long lead times, 10-30 years, from a decision to finance the project until it can be opened for traffic. Usage time can be up to 100 years. Methods for forecasting is therefore a central research theme.

The transport sector uses a significant share of energy resources in a society. A challenge is therefore to reduce the use of resources and fossil fuels.

Participating departments

Chalmers – Applied Acoustics

KTH – Transport planning 

Luleå – Experimental Mechanics  

Lund – Transport and road 

If you are interested in participating, please contact the theme group leader.

Related links

Information about the Swedish railway network 

Information about the Swedish road network  

A 3D noise map for Stockholm 

National Centre for Research and Education on Public Transport

Swedish Competence Centre in Road Technology

Thesis Proposals

Here, we gather thesis proposals from various parts of Sweden in the field of transportation. If you are a student preparing to write your thesis, feel free to use these proposals for inspiration, or if you are interested in any proposal, please do not hesitate to contact the contact person.                            

Thesis proposals in the field of railways collected by KTH in the autumn of 2024: Railway Thesis Proposals 2024 SBU (002)